2 Copyright 2008 Mark Calderbank
4 This file is part of VOMP.
6 VOMP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 (at your option) any later version.
11 VOMP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 GNU General Public License for more details.
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 along with VOMP; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
18 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
20 /* Sections of code and general methods adopted from VDR version 1.6.0
21 * dvbsubtitle.c (GPL version 2 or later)
22 * Original author: Marco Schluessler <marco@lordzodiac.de>
23 * With some input from the "subtitle plugin"
24 * by Pekka Virtanen <pekka.virtanen@sci.fi>
27 /* Reference ETSI EN 300 743 V1.3.1 (2006-11) */
29 #include "dvbsubtitles.h"
31 #include "osdreceiver.h"
35 DVBSubtitleCLUT::DVBSubtitleCLUT()
41 for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) palette2.setColour(i, defaultPalette2[i]);
42 for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) palette4.setColour(i, defaultPalette4[i]);
43 for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) palette8.setColour(i, defaultPalette8[i]);
46 const ULONG DVBSubtitleCLUT::defaultPalette2[4] = {
47 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFF000000, 0xFF808080
50 const ULONG DVBSubtitleCLUT::defaultPalette4[16] = {
51 0x00000000, 0xFFFF0000, 0xFF00FF00, 0xFFFFFF00,
52 0xFF0000FF, 0xFFFF00FF, 0xFF00FFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF,
53 0xFF000000, 0xFF800000, 0xFF008000, 0xFF808000,
54 0xFF000080, 0xFF800080, 0xFF008080, 0xFF808080
57 const ULONG DVBSubtitleCLUT::defaultPalette8[256] = {
58 0x00000000, 0x40FF0000, 0x4000FF00, 0x40FFFF00, // 0000 0000
59 0x400000FF, 0x40FF00FF, 0x4000FFFF, 0x40FFFFFF, // 0000 0100
60 0x80000000, 0x80550000, 0x80005500, 0x80555500, // 0000 1000
61 0x80000055, 0x80550055, 0x80005555, 0x80555555, // 0000 1100
62 0xFFAA0000, 0xFFFF0000, 0xFFAA5500, 0xFFFF5500, // 0001 0000
63 0xFFAA0055, 0xFFFF0055, 0xFFAA5555, 0xFFFF5555, // 0001 0100
64 0x80AA0000, 0x80FF0000, 0x80AA5500, 0x80FF5500, // 0001 1000
65 0x80AA0055, 0x80FF0055, 0x80AA5555, 0x80FF5555, // 0001 1100
66 0xFF00AA00, 0xFF55AA00, 0xFF00FF00, 0xFF55FF00, // 0010 0000
67 0xFF00AA55, 0xFF55AA55, 0xFF00FF55, 0xFF55FF55, // 0010 0100
68 0x8000AA00, 0x8055AA00, 0x8000FF00, 0x8055FF00, // 0010 1000
69 0x8000AA55, 0x8055AA55, 0x8000FF55, 0x8055FF55, // 0010 1100
70 0xFFAAAA00, 0xFFFFAA00, 0xFFAAFF00, 0xFFFFFF00, // 0011 0000
71 0xFFAAAA55, 0xFFFFAA55, 0xFFAAFF55, 0xFFFFFF55, // 0011 0100
72 0x80AAAA00, 0x80FFAA00, 0x80AAFF00, 0x80FFFF00, // 0011 1000
73 0x80AAAA55, 0x80FFAA55, 0x80AAFF55, 0x80FFFF55, // 0011 1100
74 0xFF0000AA, 0xFF5500AA, 0xFF0055AA, 0xFF5555AA, // 0100 0000
75 0xFF0000FF, 0xFF5500FF, 0xFF0055FF, 0xFF5555FF, // 0100 0100
76 0x800000AA, 0x805500AA, 0x800055AA, 0x805555AA, // 0100 1000
77 0x800000FF, 0x805500FF, 0x800055FF, 0x805555FF, // 0100 1100
78 0xFFAA00AA, 0xFFFF00AA, 0xFFAA55AA, 0xFFFF55AA, // 0101 0000
79 0xFFAA00FF, 0xFFFF00FF, 0xFFAA55FF, 0xFFFF55FF, // 0101 0100
80 0x80AA00AA, 0x80FF00AA, 0x80AA55AA, 0x80FF55AA, // 0101 1000
81 0x80AA00FF, 0x80FF00FF, 0x80AA55FF, 0x80FF55FF, // 0101 1100
82 0xFF00AAAA, 0xFF55AAAA, 0xFF00FFAA, 0xFF55FFAA, // 0110 0000
83 0xFF00AAFF, 0xFF55AAFF, 0xFF00FFFF, 0xFF55FFFF, // 0110 0100
84 0x8000AAAA, 0x8055AAAA, 0x8000FFAA, 0x8055FFAA, // 0110 1000
85 0x8000AAFF, 0x8055AAFF, 0x8000FFFF, 0x8055FFFF, // 0110 1100
88 0x80AAAAAA, 0x80FFAAAA, 0x80AAFFAA, 0x80FFFFAA, // 0111 1000
89 0x80AAAAFF, 0x80FFAAFF, 0x80AAFFFF, 0x80FFFFFF, // 0111 1100
90 0xFF808080, 0xFFAA8080, 0xFF80AA80, 0xFFAAAA80, // 1000 0000
91 0xFF8080AA, 0xFFAA80AA, 0xFF80AAAA, 0xFFAAAAAA, // 1000 0100
92 0xFF000000, 0xFF2A0000, 0xFF002A00, 0xFF2A2A00, // 1000 1000
93 0xFF00002A, 0xFF2A002A, 0xFF002A2A, 0xFF2A2A2A, // 1000 1100
94 0xFFD58080, 0xFFFF8080, 0xFFD5AA80, 0xFFFFAA80, // 1001 0000
95 0xFFD580AA, 0xFFFF80AA, 0xFFD5AAAA, 0xFFFFAAAA, // 1001 0100
96 0xFF550000, 0xFF7F0000, 0xFF552A00, 0xFF7F2A00, // 1001 1000
97 0xFF55002A, 0xFF7F002A, 0xFF552A2A, 0xFF7F2A2A, // 1001 1100
98 0xFF80D580, 0xFFAAD580, 0xFF80FF80, 0xFFAAFF80, // 1010 0000
99 0xFF80D5AA, 0xFFAAD5AA, 0xFF80FFAA, 0xFFAAFFAA, // 1010 0100
100 0xFF005500, 0xFF2A5500, 0xFF007F00, 0xFF2A7F00, // 1010 1000
101 0xFF00552A, 0xFF2A552A, 0xFF007F2A, 0xFF2A7F2A, // 1010 1100
102 0xFFD5D580, 0xFFFFD580, 0xFFD5FF80, 0xFFFFFF80, // 1011 0000
103 0xFFD5D5AA, 0xFFFFD5AA, 0xFFD5FFAA, 0xFFFFFFAA, // 1011 0100
104 0xFF555500, 0xFF7F5500, 0xFF557F00, 0xFF7F7F00, // 1011 1000
105 0xFF55552A, 0xFF7F552A, 0xFF557F2A, 0xFF7F7F2A, // 1011 1100
106 0xFF8080D5, 0xFFAA80D5, 0xFF80AAD5, 0xFFAAAAD5, // 1100 0000
107 0xFF8080FF, 0xFFAA80FF, 0xFF80AAFF, 0xFFAAAAFF, // 1100 0100
108 0xFF000055, 0xFF2A0055, 0xFF002A55, 0xFF2A2A55, // 1100 1000
109 0xFF00007F, 0xFF2A007F, 0xFF002A7F, 0xFF2A2A7F, // 1100 1100
110 0xFFD580D5, 0xFFFF80D5, 0xFFD5AAD5, 0xFFFFAAD5, // 1101 0000
111 0xFFD580FF, 0xFFFF80FF, 0xFFD5AAFF, 0xFFFFAAFF, // 1101 0100
112 0xFF550055, 0xFF7F0055, 0xFF552A55, 0xFF7F2A55, // 1101 1000
113 0xFF55007F, 0xFF7F007F, 0xFF552A7F, 0xFF7F2A7F, // 1101 1100
114 0xFF80D5D5, 0xFFAAD5D5, 0xFF80FFD5, 0xFFAAFFD5, // 1110 0000
115 0xFF80D5FF, 0xFFAAD5FF, 0xFF80FFFF, 0xFFAAFFFF, // 1110 0100
116 0xFF005555, 0xFF2A5555, 0xFF007F55, 0xFF2A7F55, // 1110 1000
117 0xFF00557F, 0xFF2A557F, 0xFF007F7F, 0xFF2A7F7F, // 1110 1100
118 0xFFD5D5D5, 0xFFFFD5D5, 0xFFD5FFD5, 0xFFFFFFD5, // 1111 0000
119 0xFFD5D5FF, 0xFFFFD5FF, 0xFFD5FFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, // 1111 0100
120 0xFF555555, 0xFF7F5555, 0xFF557F55, 0xFF7F7F55, // 1111 1000
121 0xFF55557F, 0xFF7F557F, 0xFF557F7F, 0xFF7F7F7F, // 1111 1100
124 void DVBSubtitleCLUT::setEntry(int bpp, UINT index, UCHAR Y, UCHAR Cr, UCHAR Cb, UCHAR T)
128 if (Y2 == 0) { Y2 = 16; A = 0; } else A = 255 - T;
131 case 2: palette2.setYCrCbA(index, Y2, Cr, Cb, A); break;
132 case 4: palette4.setYCrCbA(index, Y2, Cr, Cb, A); break;
133 case 8: palette8.setYCrCbA(index, Y2, Cr, Cb, A); break;
137 const Palette& DVBSubtitleCLUT::getPalette(int bpp) const
141 case 2: return palette2; break;
142 case 4: return palette4; break;
143 default: return palette8; break;
147 DVBSubtitleRegion::DVBSubtitleRegion()
153 void DVBSubtitleRegion::setDepth(UINT d)
155 if (d < 4) palette.setBpp(1 << d);
158 DVBSubtitlePage::DVBSubtitlePage()
164 serviceAcquired(false)
167 void DVBSubtitlePage::setState(UCHAR s)
171 serviceAcquired = true;
172 if (state == 2) // Mode change
174 serviceAcquired = true;
177 currentDisplay.clear();
178 pendingDisplay.clear();
183 void DVBSubtitlePage::updateRegionPalettes(const DVBSubtitleCLUT& clut)
185 RegionMap::iterator region;
186 for (region = regions.begin(); region != regions.end(); ++region)
187 if (region->second.CLUTid == clut.CLUTid)
188 region->second.palette = clut.getPalette(region->second.palette.getBpp());
191 class DVBSubtitleObject
195 UCHAR nonModColourFlag;
198 DVBSubtitleRegion* region;
199 UINT horizontalPosition;
200 UINT verticalPosition;
202 typedef std::vector<struct RegionRef> UseList;
207 void initMapTables();
208 UCHAR* currentMapTable;
210 void drawLine(const RegionRef& use, UINT x, UINT y, UCHAR colour, UINT len);
211 UCHAR get2Bits(const UCHAR* data, UINT& index);
212 UCHAR get4Bits(const UCHAR* data, UINT& index);
213 bool decode2BppCodeString(const UCHAR* data, UINT& index, const struct RegionRef& use, UINT& x, UINT y);
214 bool decode4BppCodeString(const UCHAR* data, UINT& index, const struct RegionRef& use, UINT& x, UINT y);
215 bool decode8BppCodeString(const UCHAR* data, UINT& index, const struct RegionRef& use, UINT& x, UINT y);
217 DVBSubtitleObject(UINT id = 0);
218 void setNonModColourFlag(UCHAR flag) { nonModColourFlag = flag; }
219 void findWhereUsed(DVBSubtitlePage&);
220 void decodeSubBlock(const UCHAR* data, UINT length, bool even);
223 DVBSubtitleObject::DVBSubtitleObject(UINT id)
226 currentMapTable(NULL),
232 void DVBSubtitleObject::initMapTables()
234 map2to4[0] = 0x0; map2to4[1] = 0x7; map2to4[2] = 0x8; map2to4[3] = 0xF;
235 map2to8[0] = 0x00; map2to8[1] = 0x77; map2to8[2] = 0x88; map2to8[3] = 0xFF;
236 map4to8[0] = 0x00; map4to8[1] = 0x11; map4to8[2] = 0x22; map4to8[3] = 0x33;
237 map4to8[4] = 0x44; map4to8[5] = 0x55; map4to8[6] = 0x66; map4to8[7] = 0x77;
238 map4to8[8] = 0x88; map4to8[9] = 0x99; map4to8[10]= 0xAA; map4to8[11]= 0xBB;
239 map4to8[12]= 0xCC; map4to8[13]= 0xDD; map4to8[14]= 0xEE; map4to8[15]= 0xFF;
242 void DVBSubtitleObject::findWhereUsed(DVBSubtitlePage& page)
245 DVBSubtitlePage::RegionMap::iterator i;
246 for (i = page.regions.begin(); i != page.regions.end(); ++i)
248 DVBSubtitleRegion::ObjectList::iterator j;
249 for (j = i->second.objects.begin(); j != i->second.objects.end(); ++j)
251 if (j->objectID == objectID)
253 struct RegionRef usage;
254 usage.region = &(i->second);
255 usage.horizontalPosition = j->horizontalPosition;
256 usage.verticalPosition = j->verticalPosition;
257 useList.push_back(usage);
263 void DVBSubtitleObject::drawLine(const RegionRef& use, UINT x, UINT y,
264 UCHAR colour, UINT len)
266 if (nonModColourFlag && colour == 1) return;
267 x += use.horizontalPosition;
268 y += use.verticalPosition;
269 for (UINT pos = x; pos < x + len; ++pos)
270 use.region->setIndex(pos, y, colour);
273 UCHAR DVBSubtitleObject::get2Bits(const UCHAR* data, UINT& index)
275 UCHAR result = data[index];
282 return (result >> bitPos) & 0x03;
285 UCHAR DVBSubtitleObject::get4Bits(const UCHAR* data, UINT& index)
287 UCHAR result = data[index];
298 return result & 0x0F;
301 bool DVBSubtitleObject::decode2BppCodeString(const UCHAR* data, UINT& index, const struct RegionRef& use, UINT& x, UINT y)
303 UINT rl = 0, colour = 0;
304 UCHAR code = get2Bits(data, index);
312 code = get2Bits(data, index);
313 if (code & 2) // Switch 1
315 rl = ((code & 1) << 2) + get2Bits(data, index) + 3;
316 colour = get2Bits(data, index);
318 else if (code & 1) rl = 1; // Colour 0
321 code = get2Bits(data, index);
325 return false; // end of 2-bit/pixel_code_string
330 rl = (get2Bits(data, index) << 2) + get2Bits(data, index) + 12;
331 colour = get2Bits(data, index);
334 rl = (get2Bits(data, index) << 6) + (get2Bits(data, index) << 4) +
335 (get2Bits(data, index) << 2) + get2Bits(data, index) + 29;
336 colour = get2Bits(data, index);
341 drawLine(use, x, y, colour, rl);
346 bool DVBSubtitleObject::decode4BppCodeString(const UCHAR* data, UINT& index, const struct RegionRef& use, UINT& x, UINT y)
348 UINT rl = 0, colour = 0;
349 UCHAR code = get4Bits(data, index);
357 code = get4Bits(data, index);
358 if (code & 8) // Switch 1
360 if (code & 4) // Switch 2
362 switch (code & 3) // Switch 3
371 rl = get4Bits(data, index) + 9;
372 colour = get4Bits(data, index);
375 rl = (get4Bits(data, index) << 4) + get4Bits(data, index) + 25;
376 colour = get4Bits(data, index);
383 colour = get4Bits(data, index);
388 if (!code) return false; // end of 4-bit/pixel_code_string
389 rl = code + 2; // Colour 0
392 drawLine(use, x, y, colour, rl);
397 bool DVBSubtitleObject::decode8BppCodeString(const UCHAR* data, UINT& index, const struct RegionRef& use, UINT& x, UINT y)
399 UINT rl = 0, colour = 0;
400 UCHAR code = data[index++];
408 code = data[index++];
411 colour = data[index++];
413 return false; // else colour 0
415 drawLine(use, x, y, colour, rl);
420 void DVBSubtitleObject::decodeSubBlock(const UCHAR* data, UINT length, bool even)
422 UseList::const_iterator use;
423 for (use = useList.begin(); use != useList.end(); ++use)
425 UINT x = 0; UINT y = even ? 0 : 1; UINT index = 0;
426 while (index < length)
428 switch (data[index++])
431 switch (use->region->palette.getBpp())
433 case 8: currentMapTable = map2to8; break;
434 case 4: currentMapTable = map2to4; break;
435 default: currentMapTable = NULL;
438 while (decode2BppCodeString(data, index, *use,x,y) && index < length);
439 if (!bitPos) index++;
442 if (use->region->palette.getBpp() == 8)
443 currentMapTable = map4to8;
445 currentMapTable = NULL;
447 while (decode4BppCodeString(data, index, *use,x,y) && index < length);
448 if (!bitPos) index++;
451 while (decode8BppCodeString(data, index, *use,x,y) && index < length);
454 map2to4[0] = data[index] >> 4;
455 map2to4[1] = data[index++] & 0x0F;
456 map2to4[2] = data[index] >> 4;
457 map2to4[3] = data[index++] & 0x0F;
460 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) map2to8[i] = data[index++];
463 for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) map4to8[i] = data[index++];
473 static ULLONG PTSDifference(ULLONG pts1, ULLONG pts2)
475 // Assume pts1, pts2 < 2^33; calculate pts1 - pts2
479 return (1LL<<33) + pts1 - pts2;
482 DVBSubtitles::DVBSubtitles(OSDReceiver* tosd)
484 pageOnDisplay(65536),
490 pthread_mutex_init(&input_mutex, NULL);
491 pthread_mutex_init(&output_mutex, NULL);
493 input_mutex=CreateMutex(NULL,FALSE,NULL);
494 output_mutex=CreateMutex(NULL,FALSE,NULL);
498 void DVBSubtitles::put(const PESPacket& packet)
503 if (packet.getPTS() != PESPacket::PTS_INVALID)
505 worklist.push_back(packet);
512 bool DVBSubtitles::decodePacket(const PESPacket& packet)
514 const UCHAR* data = packet.getData();
515 UINT packetSize = packet.getSize();
516 if (packetSize < 9) return false;
517 UINT segmentOffset = data[8] + 11;
518 while (packetSize > segmentOffset)
520 if (data[segmentOffset] == 0xFF) return true; // 'End of PES' marker
521 if (data[segmentOffset] != 0x0F) return false; // Out of sync
522 if (packetSize <= segmentOffset + 5) return false; // Packet truncated
523 UCHAR segmentType = data[segmentOffset + 1];
524 UINT pageID = (data[segmentOffset + 2] << 8)
525 + data[segmentOffset + 3];
526 UINT segmentLength = (data[segmentOffset + 4] << 8)
527 + data[segmentOffset + 5];
528 if (pageOnDisplay == 65536) pageOnDisplay = pageID;
529 if (pageOnDisplay != pageID) return false;
530 if (packetSize <= segmentOffset + 5 + segmentLength) return false;
531 const UCHAR* segmentData = &data[segmentOffset + 6];
532 pages[pageID]; // Create this page if it doesn't exist
533 PageMap::iterator pageEntry = pages.find(pageID);
534 if (pageEntry == pages.end()) return false;
535 DVBSubtitlePage& page = pageEntry->second;
536 if (packet.getPTS() != PESPacket::PTS_INVALID) page.pts = packet.getPTS();
539 case 0x10: // Page composition
541 if (segmentLength < 2) break;
542 page.setState((segmentData[1] & 0x0C) >> 2);
543 if (!page.serviceAcquired) break;
544 UCHAR pageVersion = (segmentData[1] & 0xF0) >> 4;
545 if (pageVersion == page.version) break; // No update
546 page.version = pageVersion;
547 page.timeout = segmentData[0];
548 page.pendingDisplay.clear();
550 while (segmentLength > parsePos + 5)
552 UCHAR regionID = segmentData[parsePos];
553 page.regions[regionID]; // Create the region if it doesn't exist
554 DVBSubtitlePage::Coords coords;
555 coords.x = (segmentData[parsePos + 2] << 8) +
556 segmentData[parsePos + 3];
557 coords.y = (segmentData[parsePos + 4] << 8) +
558 segmentData[parsePos + 5];
559 page.pendingDisplay[regionID] = coords;
564 case 0x11: // Region composition
566 if (segmentLength < 10) break;
567 UCHAR regionID = segmentData[0];
568 page.regions[regionID]; // Create the region if it doesn't exist
569 DVBSubtitlePage::RegionMap::iterator regionEntry;
570 regionEntry = page.regions.find(regionID);
571 if (regionEntry == page.regions.end()) return false;
572 DVBSubtitleRegion& region = regionEntry->second;
573 UCHAR regionVersion = (segmentData[1] & 0xF0) >> 4;
574 if (regionVersion == region.version) break; // No update
575 region.version = regionVersion;
576 bool regionFillFlag = (segmentData[1] & 0x08) >> 3;
577 UINT regionWidth = (segmentData[2] << 8) + segmentData[3];
578 UINT regionHeight = (segmentData[4] << 8) + segmentData[5];
579 region.setSize(regionWidth, regionHeight);
580 region.level = (segmentData[6] & 0xE0) >> 5;
581 region.setDepth((segmentData[6] & 0x1C) >> 2);
582 region.CLUTid = segmentData[7];
583 page.CLUTs[region.CLUTid]; // Create the CLUT if it doesn't exist
584 DVBSubtitlePage::CLUTMap::iterator clut;
585 clut = page.CLUTs.find(region.CLUTid);
586 if (clut == page.CLUTs.end()) return false;
587 region.palette = clut->second.getPalette(region.palette.getBpp());
588 if (regionFillFlag) switch (region.palette.getBpp())
590 case 2: region.setAllIndices((segmentData[9] & 0x0C) >> 2); break;
591 case 4: region.setAllIndices((segmentData[9] & 0xF0) >> 4); break;
592 case 8: region.setAllIndices(segmentData[8]); break;
594 region.objects.clear();
596 while (segmentLength > parsePos + 5)
598 UINT objectID = (segmentData[parsePos] << 8) +
599 segmentData[parsePos + 1];
600 DVBSubtitleRegion::ObjectRef objref;
601 objref.objectID = objectID;
602 UINT objectType = (segmentData[parsePos + 2] & 0xC0) >> 6;
603 objref.horizontalPosition = ((segmentData[parsePos + 2] & 0x0F) << 8) +
604 segmentData[parsePos + 3];
605 objref.verticalPosition = ((segmentData[parsePos + 4] & 0x0F) << 8) +
606 segmentData[parsePos + 5];
607 if (objectType == 0) region.objects.push_back(objref);
612 case 0x12: // CLUT definition
614 if (segmentLength < 2) break;
615 UCHAR CLUTid = segmentData[0];
616 DVBSubtitlePage::CLUTMap::iterator clutEntry;
617 clutEntry = page.CLUTs.find(CLUTid);
618 if (clutEntry == page.CLUTs.end()) return false;
619 DVBSubtitleCLUT& clut = clutEntry->second;
620 clut.CLUTid = CLUTid;
621 UCHAR clutVersion = (segmentData[1] & 0xF0) >> 4;
622 if (clutVersion == clut.version) break; // No update
623 clut.version = clutVersion;
625 while (segmentLength > parsePos + 3)
627 UCHAR clutEntryID = segmentData[parsePos];
628 bool fullRangeFlag = segmentData[parsePos + 1] & 0x01;
632 if (segmentLength <= parsePos + 5) break;
633 Y = segmentData[parsePos + 2];
634 Cr = segmentData[parsePos + 3];
635 Cb = segmentData[parsePos + 4];
636 T = segmentData[parsePos + 5];
640 Y = segmentData[parsePos + 2] & 0xFC;
641 Cr = (segmentData[parsePos + 2] & 0x03) << 6;
642 Cr |= (segmentData[parsePos + 3] & 0xC0) >> 2;
643 Cb = (segmentData[parsePos + 3] & 0x3C) << 2;
644 T = (segmentData[parsePos + 3] & 0x03) << 6;
646 UCHAR entryFlags = segmentData[parsePos + 1];
647 if (entryFlags & 0x80) clut.setEntry(2, clutEntryID, Y,Cr,Cb,T);
648 if (entryFlags & 0x40) clut.setEntry(4, clutEntryID, Y,Cr,Cb,T);
649 if (entryFlags & 0x20) clut.setEntry(8, clutEntryID, Y,Cr,Cb,T);
650 parsePos += fullRangeFlag ? 6 : 4;
652 page.updateRegionPalettes(clut);
655 case 0x13: // Object data
657 if (segmentLength < 3) break;
658 UINT objectID = (segmentData[0] << 8) + segmentData[1];
659 DVBSubtitleObject object(objectID);
660 object.findWhereUsed(page);
661 UCHAR codingMethod = (segmentData[2] & 0x0C) >> 2;
662 object.setNonModColourFlag(segmentData[2] & 0x01);
663 if (codingMethod == 0x00) // Coding of pixels
665 if (segmentLength < 7) break;
666 UINT topFieldLen = (segmentData[3] << 8) + segmentData[4];
667 UINT bottomFieldLen = (segmentData[5] << 8) + segmentData[6];
668 if (segmentLength < 7 + topFieldLen + bottomFieldLen) break;
669 object.decodeSubBlock(segmentData + 7, topFieldLen, true);
671 object.decodeSubBlock(segmentData + 7 + topFieldLen,
672 bottomFieldLen, false);
674 object.decodeSubBlock(segmentData + 7, topFieldLen, false);
676 else if (codingMethod == 0x01) // Coded as a string of characters
680 case 0x14: // Display definition
681 break; // TODO: Ignore now and assume 720x576 per ETSI EN 300 743 V1.2.1
682 case 0x80: // End of display set
685 page.currentDisplay = page.pendingDisplay;
688 segmentOffset += (segmentLength + 6);
690 return false; // Fall through from while loop: we ran out of data
693 void DVBSubtitles::finishPage(const DVBSubtitlePage& page)
700 DVBSubtitlePage::DisplayMap::const_iterator i,j;
701 for (i = page.currentDisplay.begin(); i != page.currentDisplay.end(); ++i)
702 { // For each currently displayed region, if the region has been
703 // moved or removed, blank out its previous screen position
704 j = page.pendingDisplay.find(i->first);
705 if (j == page.pendingDisplay.end() ||
706 j->second.x != i->second.x ||
707 j->second.y != i->second.y)
709 DVBSubtitlePage::RegionMap::const_iterator region_iter;
710 region_iter = page.regions.find(i->first);
711 if (region_iter == page.regions.end()) continue;
712 Log::getInstance()->log("SUBTITLES", Log::DEBUG, "Clear region %d", i->first);
713 osd->clearOSDArea(i->second.x, i->second.y,
714 region_iter->second.getWidth(), region_iter->second.getHeight());
718 for (i = page.pendingDisplay.begin(); i != page.pendingDisplay.end(); ++i)
719 { // Display each pending region
720 DVBSubtitlePage::RegionMap::const_iterator region_iter;
721 region_iter = page.regions.find(i->first);
722 if (region_iter == page.regions.end()) continue;
723 Log::getInstance()->log("SUBTITLES", Log::DEBUG, "Display region %d", i->first);
724 osd->drawOSDBitmap(i->second.x, i->second.y, region_iter->second);
728 void DVBSubtitles::lockInput()
731 pthread_mutex_lock(&input_mutex);
733 WaitForSingleObject(input_mutex, INFINITE);
737 void DVBSubtitles::unlockInput()
740 pthread_mutex_unlock(&input_mutex);
742 ReleaseMutex(input_mutex);
746 void DVBSubtitles::lockOutput()
749 pthread_mutex_lock(&output_mutex);
751 WaitForSingleObject(output_mutex, INFINITE);
755 void DVBSubtitles::unlockOutput()
758 pthread_mutex_unlock(&output_mutex);
760 ReleaseMutex(output_mutex);
764 int DVBSubtitles::start()
769 return threadStart();
772 void DVBSubtitles::stop()
780 PageMap::const_iterator pageEntry = pages.find(pageOnDisplay);
781 if (pageEntry != pages.end())
783 const DVBSubtitlePage& page = pageEntry->second;
784 DVBSubtitlePage::DisplayMap::const_iterator i;
785 for (i = page.currentDisplay.begin(); i != page.currentDisplay.end(); ++i)
787 DVBSubtitlePage::RegionMap::const_iterator region_iter;
788 region_iter = page.regions.find(i->first);
789 if (region_iter == page.regions.end()) continue;
790 osd->clearOSDArea(i->second.x, i->second.y,
791 region_iter->second.getWidth(), region_iter->second.getHeight());
795 pageOnDisplay = 65536;
797 threadNudged = false;
800 void DVBSubtitles::show()
807 void DVBSubtitles::hide()
811 PageMap::const_iterator pageEntry = pages.find(pageOnDisplay);
812 if (pageEntry != pages.end())
814 const DVBSubtitlePage& page = pageEntry->second;
815 DVBSubtitlePage::DisplayMap::const_iterator i;
816 for (i = page.currentDisplay.begin(); i != page.currentDisplay.end(); ++i)
818 DVBSubtitlePage::RegionMap::const_iterator region_iter;
819 region_iter = page.regions.find(i->first);
820 if (region_iter == page.regions.end()) continue;
821 osd->clearOSDArea(i->second.x, i->second.y,
822 region_iter->second.getWidth(), region_iter->second.getHeight());
826 pageOnDisplay = 65536;
830 void DVBSubtitles::nudge()
833 pthread_mutex_lock(&threadCondMutex);
835 pthread_cond_signal(&threadCond);
836 pthread_mutex_unlock(&threadCondMutex);
838 WaitForSingleObject(threadCondMutex, INFINITE);
840 SetEvent(threadCond);
841 ReleaseMutex(threadCondMutex);
845 void DVBSubtitles::threadMethod()
847 struct timespec sleeptime;
848 sleeptime.tv_sec = 0;
849 sleeptime.tv_nsec = 0;
855 { // We have done the current work and no more has arrived. Sleep.
856 if (sleeptime.tv_sec == 0 && sleeptime.tv_nsec == 0)
858 Log::getInstance()->log("SUBTITLES", Log::DEBUG, "Sleeping until nudged.");
859 threadWaitForSignal();
863 Log::getInstance()->log("SUBTITLES", Log::DEBUG, "Sleeping for %d and %d", sleeptime.tv_sec, sleeptime.tv_nsec);
864 struct timespec targetTime;
866 clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &targetTime);
871 GetSystemTime(&systime);
872 SystemTimeToFileTime(&systime,(FILETIME*)&filetime);
873 targetTime.tv_sec=(filetime-WINDOWS_TIME_BASE_OFFSET)/(10*1000*1000);
874 targetTime.tv_nsec=((filetime-WINDOWS_TIME_BASE_OFFSET)%(10*1000*1000))*100;
876 targetTime.tv_nsec += sleeptime.tv_nsec;
877 if (targetTime.tv_nsec > 999999999)
879 targetTime.tv_sec += 1;
880 targetTime.tv_nsec -= 1000000000;
882 targetTime.tv_sec += sleeptime.tv_sec;
883 threadWaitForSignalTimed(&targetTime);
886 threadNudged = false;
888 bool finished = false;
889 ULLONG nowPTS, pktPTS;
894 pktPTS = PESPacket::PTS_INVALID;
896 if (!worklist.empty())
897 pktPTS = worklist.front().getPTS();
899 if (pktPTS != PESPacket::PTS_INVALID)
900 { // An entry exists in the work list
901 nowPTS = Video::getInstance()->getCurrentTimestamp();
902 if (PTSDifference(nowPTS, pktPTS) < 2*90000 ||
903 PTSDifference(pktPTS, nowPTS) < 4000)
904 { // It is due for processing or discarding.
907 if (!worklist.empty())
909 PESPacket packet = worklist.front();
910 worklist.pop_front();
913 if (showing) decodePacket(packet);
918 else if (PTSDifference(pktPTS, nowPTS) >= 60*90000)
919 { // Seems like a bad or very old entry. Get rid of it.
922 if (!worklist.empty()) worklist.pop_front();
927 // Calculate how long to sleep for
928 sleeptime.tv_sec = 0;
929 sleeptime.tv_nsec = 0;
930 if (pktPTS != PESPacket::PTS_INVALID)
931 { // A future action exists
932 nowPTS = Video::getInstance()->getCurrentTimestamp();
933 ULLONG diff = PTSDifference(pktPTS, nowPTS);
934 sleeptime.tv_sec = diff / 90000;
935 sleeptime.tv_nsec = (long)(diff % 90000) * 10000L / 90000L * 100000L;
936 if (sleeptime.tv_sec > 60)
937 { // We have a problem. An action so far in the future should have
938 // been culled. Probably the action is already due and PTSDifference
939 // wrapped around. Therefore we sleep for a minimal time instead.
940 sleeptime.tv_sec = 0;
941 sleeptime.tv_nsec = 1;