The format of VOMP localisation files is described below. Each file may contain one or more languages, and a language may be contained in more than one file. A valid file must start with a line of the following form for each language in the file: vomp-l10n:[] represents a whitespace string (spaces and/or tabs). can be any string of visible ASCII characters. It is intended to be a recognised language code or locale code. can be any Latin-1 string (TODO: UTF-8). Example: vomp-l10n: cy Cymraeg vomp-l10n:ga-IE Gaeilge vomp-l10n: gd-GB Gàidhlig The first line not of this form begins the main body of the translation file. A line of the following form introduces a key to be translated: x:[]["]["][] represents an ASCII string. Quotation marks (ASCII 34) are optional and would normally be used to include whitespace at the beginning or end of the string. A line of the following form provides a translation for the previous key. If there is no previous key, the translation is ignored. :[]["]["][] must match one of the codes introduced by the vomp-l10n: section; otherwise the line is ignored. can be any Latin-1 string (TODO: UTF-8). Any other lines (blank or otherwise) are ignored. Nonblank lines should be treated as comments and preserved by tools written to manipulate these files. Example: x: One cy: Un ga: Aon gd: Aon * This is a comment. Note the trailing whitespace below. x:"two " gd: "dà " ga: "dó " This is a comment, perhaps giving a good reason why the translation below has no trailing space. The quotation marks have no effect here. cy: "dau" (Thanks to :-)