VOMP Credits ------------ Chris Tallon Author Thanks to the following people for their contributions to VOMP: Mark Calderbank Demuxer GUI box splitting algorithm Internationalisation v2 Dave Pickles VDR 1.3 compatibility Options view code cleanup Internationalisation VDR 1.6 compatibility Brian Walton EPG Other patches and suggestions André Jagusch German translation Lars Fredriksson Swedish translation Pák Gergely Hungarian translation Kimmo Lahdensivu Finnish translation 'jtk' French translation Marten Richter Debian packages for the e-TOBI VDR repository Information about index.vdr and code to navigate recordings Windows port of vompclient Reporting of many bugs Audio channel selection VDR 1.7 compatibility Raspberry Pi port Andreas Vogel Media player Alexander Pipelka Code cleaning patches Various bug fixes Thomas Steger Sleep timer dingo35 VDR 1.7 compatibility Thanks to the following people for their work with the MVP: Jon Gettler, BtB and the other MVPMC developers Dominic Morris for the vdr-mediamvp VDR plugin Thanks to Louis Braun for his skinnoopacity plugin, where a lot of the artwork for the new skin of vomp is borrowed from. This list is most likely incomplete. Apologies to anyone I have forgotten, and for forgetting to update this list.