vdr.jpg is lifted from VDR's home page which states: "Free project statement This is a FREE and completely non-commercial project. Any information posted on these pages is freely available to anybody. All source code published here is protected by the GNU general public licence." ------------------------------------------------------------------ wallpaper.jpg is actually blue-bend.jpg from the KDE wallpapers. It was taken from the debian package kdebase-data - the copyright file is below. ------------------------------------------------------------------ This package was debianized by Christopher L Cheney on Tue, 16 Apr 2002 22:00:00 -0500. It was downloaded via CVS from cvs.kde.org Upstream Authors: Stephan Kulow and many others... License: All programs are either under the GPL or LGPL. On Debian systems, the complete text of the GPL and LGPL licenses can be found in the /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL and /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL files. When in doubt, check the individual file, they should all have license headings and other identifying marks. Artistic -------- kdcop, kdesu, klipper BSD --- drkonqi, kaddressbook, kicker, ksmserver, ksplash, kwin, legacyimport GPL --- kappfinder, kate, kcheckpass, kdeprint, kdm, kfind, khelpcenter, kmenuedit, konqueror, konsole, kpager, kpersonalizer, kreadconfig, kstart, ksysguard, ktip LGPL ---- kdebugdialog, kdesktop, khotkeys, kxkb, libkonq, nsplugins