l10n-vomp: fr Français * Translation by jtk x: VDR fr: VDR x: Welcome fr: Bonjour x: 1. Live TV fr: 1. TV en direct x: 2. Radio fr: 2. Radio x: 3. Recordings fr: 3. Enregistrements x: 5. Options fr: 5. Options x: 6. Options fr: 6. Options x: 6. Reboot fr: 6. Redemarrer x: 7. Reboot fr: 7. Redemarrer x: Downloading recordings list fr: Recuperer liste enregistrements x: Recordings - %s fr: Enregistrements - %s x: Recordings fr: Enregistrements x: %lu\t%s fr: %lu\t%s x: [ok] = menu fr: [ok] = menu x: %lu%% used, %iGB free fr: %lu%% utilise, %iGB libre * Also used in channels list x: %i to %i of %i fr: %i de %i a %i * QUESTION * x: Yes fr: Oui x: No fr: Non * RECORDING MENU * x: Programme menu fr: Menu Programation x: Play fr: Jouer x: Resume fr: Reprendre x: Summary fr: Resume x: Delete fr: Supprimer x: Programme summary fr: Sommaire programmes x: Summary unavailable fr: Sommaire indisponible x: Delete recording fr: Effacer enregistrement x: Are you sure you want to delete this recording? fr: Etes-vous sur de vouloir supprimer cet enregistrement? * SERVER SELECT * x: Choose a VDR server fr: Choisir une serveur VDR * OPTION MENUS * x: Options fr: Options x: TV connection type fr: Type de connection TV x: Remote control type fr: Type telecommande x: TV aspect ratio fr: Rapport TV x: 16:9 on 4:3 display mode fr: 16:9 sur affichage 4:3 x: Power state after bootup fr: Marche apres demarrage x: Display channels fr: Afficher chaines x: Language fr: Langue x: Press back to exit, <, > or [ok] to change fr: Appuyer retour pour sortir <, > ou [ok] pour valider x: VDR-Pri 0=OK !See forums! fr: VDR-Pri 0=OK !Voir forums! * OPTION CHOICES * x: Old fr: Vieux x: New fr: Nouveau x: RGB+composite fr: RGB+composite x: S-Video fr: S-Video x: Chop sides fr: Couper bords x: Letterbox fr: Letterbox x: Last state fr: Etat precedent x: All fr: Tout x: FTA only fr: FTA seulement x: On fr: On x: Off fr: Off * CHANNEL LISTS * x: Channels fr: Chaines x: Radio Stations fr: Stations Radio * BANNERS * x: No channel data available fr: Pas de chaines disponibles x: info fr: Info x: Channel unavailable fr: Chaine indisponible * CONNECT SCREEN * x: Locating server fr: Recherche serveur x: Connecting to VDR fr: Connection au VDR x: Login failed fr: Echec de login x: Connection failed fr: Echec de connection * COMMAND * x: Connected, loading config fr: Connecte, chargement configuration * EPG * x: EPG fr: EPG x: OK fr: OK x: Page up fr: Haut de page x: Page down fr: Bas de page x: -24 hours fr: -24 heures x: +24 hours fr: +24 heures x: Go: Preview fr: Go: apercu x: Guide / Back: Close fr: Guide / Back: Fermer x: Rec: Set timer fr: Rec: Definir heure x: Sel channel fr: Selection chaine x: There are no programme details available for this period fr: Aucune information sur le programme pour cette periode x: No programme details fr: Pas de detail du programme